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34th Triennial Convention
From the Ashes

The 34th Triennial Convention (2020-2023) will be held at the Embassy Suites O'Hare, in Rosemont, IL, June 22-25, 2023. Registration Closed. 

Convention Schedule: All times Central Daylight Time

Embassy Suites Chicago O'Hare

5500 N River Road

Rosemont, IL 60018

June 22-25, 2023


Suggested dress:

Business casual for business meetings

Dressy for Banquet

Thursday, June 22, 2023

8 am-5 pm: National Council pre-convention meeting (invitation only), BOARDROOM

2 pm-7 pm: Convention Check-In, HOSPITALITY SUITE, Conf Room 205

7 pm-9 pm: Welcome Reception and Poster Session, hosted by Aurum Iodide Chapter, ATRIUM GROVE

Friday, June 23, 2023

7 am: Complimentary Hotel Breakfast

8 am: Opening of Convention; Roll Call; Instructions; NC Reports, SALON DEF

9:45 am: Break

10 am: Slate of National Candidates Presented (Dr. Megan Sassin)

10:20 am: Chapter Report Presentations

12 pm: Luncheon (Violet Diller Awardee, Dr. Annmarie Grover Carlton), SALON DEF

2 pm: Website Introduction/Preparation for Committee Meetings

2:20 pm: National Council Election (all delegates and NC members)

2:50 pm: Committee Sessions, submit report to NC President and Secretary

4 pm: National Council Election (all delegates and NC members)

4:30 pm: Break, Social Hour

5:30 pm: Photo Session for all attendees

6:30 pm-9pm: Awards Banquet (National Honorary Member, Dr. Angela K. Wilson)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

7:30 am: Complimentary Hotel Breakfast

8:00 am: Committee Reports, SALON DEF

10 am: Break

10:15 am: Committee Reports

11:30 am: New Business

12 pm: Luncheon (Agnes Fay Morgan and Centennial Awardees Panel Discussion)

2 pm+: Afternoon Tours and Dinner on your own

Sunday, June 25, 2023

8 am: Complimentary Hotel Breakfast

8:30 am: Resolutions Committee and Installation of new National Council; Closing Remarks, SALON DEF

9:45 am: Break; Delegates and alternates dismissed

10 am: Joint (Immediate past/new) National Council Post-Convention Meeting

11:30 am: Outgoing and Incoming National Council Exchange Information

34th Triennial Convention Sponsors

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